In 2014, Clemenger BBDO helped make Nova Energy a household name with the Greg Grover from Nova campaign. “The results were fantastic,” says Nova marketing manager Michael O’Donnell, announcing the return of Greg for a new campaign.
The dozen not forgotten
Tower Insurance and Barnes Catmur & Friends gave new meaning to the term ‘hopeless romantic’ this Valentine’s Day when they offered Valentine Insurance to forgetful Kiwis.
Super Rugby gets some swagger
Arch Hill-based boutique creative shop Brandspank has created new opening titles for this year’s Super Rugby competition.
Whybins dresses ANZ Ponsonby for Pride
This year’s ANZ Pride campaign has ballooned with the Ponsonby branch transformed into a very large art installation to celebrate the Auckland Pride Festival.
Baaaack for more
Parnell-based creative agency Ranger & Rolfe has launched a new AA Life Cover campaign and – as expected – retained Ramsey and Lambert as key characters in the story.
Hallenstein Bros demo their hi-performance suit
Hallenstein Brothers has launched its Winter 2016 collection with a campaign shot in Marrakech (Morocco) and the Margham Desert in Dubai. It features French-born extreme athlete Vince Reffet and American actor Sean Ross.
Wanted: beer-drinkers to help save the entire world
Beer-drinkers of New Zealand: In 2015 a true Kiwi invention was born when DB Export brought us DB Export Brewtroleum, a high grade biofuel made from the by-product of beer. This year, DB – with a little help from Colenso BBDO and OMG’s brand-building PR agency Spark PR & Activate, with communications strategy from Spark PHD – is asking us to drink DB Export so that DB Export Brewtroleum can make its return and “we can continue to save the entire world”.
Parris stars in S&P’s Super Rugby launch
After winning the NZ Rugby competitive creative pitch against Augusto late last year, Sugar&Partners has launched a new campaign, #SUPERBANGBANG. Aiding and abetting S&P was International Choreographer of the Year Parris Goebel (fresh from an ANZ campaign for Whybin).
Going for gold (updated)
Ogilvy has produced a promo for Countdown which will see the chain – sponsors of the NZ Olympic team – send four Kiwis to the Rio Olympics, plus give away $10,000 in gold every day from now Monday 6 March.
A TVC saved his life – now he fronts new Heart Foundation campaign
For its 2016 campaign, which runs throughout February, the Heart Foundation has enlisted the services of a man whose life was saved directly as a result of watching a TVC during last year’s campaign.