Steinlager remembers The Originals

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DDB, Robber’s Dog and Young & Shand teamed up to commemorate the 110th anniversary of New Zealand’s inaugural rugby tour of the UK with a new TVC and the “triumphant” return of the Steinlager limited edition white can – a lucky charm in 1987 and a nostalgic symbol of hope in 2011.

Meet The Indestructables

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When you were a kid, you were indestructible, able to climb any tree, bike down any hill, or defeat any monster. That was because you were confident that whatever happened, everything would be okay because there was someone looking after you.

Terminal velocity

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APN Outdoor engaged global researcher Millward Brown to produce The Airport Economy – an in-depth study looking at Auckland Airport and how it does business. This report – a follow-up to last year’s The Attention Economy – is out now, and will be introduced to the agency market later this week.

The NZ affiliate of the Millward Brown network is Colmar Brunton. The video (above) catches the reactions of Colenso’s Nick Garrett, Y&R’s ’s Nicky Greville, Contageon’s Richard Thompson to the latest airport offerings.