DDB taps Breaking Bad star
A message from space
Singapore-based internet service provider MyRepublic has set up shop in NZ and launched its ultra-fast fibre broadband with a TVC starring William Shatner – the only actor to spend the first half of his life building a stellar career and the second half making fun of it.
‘Bold, fearless’ new ad from Glassons
Beer ads challenge ‘nanny state TV’
DDB Australia ECD Darren Spiller obviously hadn’t seen the new Glassons campaign (see preceding story) when he spoke to B&T about TV ads being too conservative in the current “nanny state” environment.
Orcon’s terrorist ad fires up the big telcos
Assembly, Robber’s Dog, Sweet Shop make LIA Film finals
Four NZ entries have made the TV/Cinema/Online Film – Production & Post shortlist at the London International Awards, currently being held in Las Vegas.
Tinnyvision talks to stoned drivers
Clemenger BBDO Wellington and OMD are having success using Snapchat with a targeted mobile campaign aimed at reaching drivers who are stoned.
Saatchi makes Integration finals at LIA
Saatchi & Saatchi was the only NZ agency to make the Integration shortlist stage of the London International Awards currently being staged in Las Vegas.
TVNZ shoots the Effies
TVNZ shot a 2min 35sec wrap-up video at last week’s Effies, unleashing roving reporter Tim Wilson and a camera crew on the festivities at the Langham.