Saatchi sports boost for teen girls

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AUCKLAND, Thursday: Sport NZ has today launched #itsmymove – an integrated campaign to help young women get and stay active, their way. Developed to address declining physical activity levels in teenage girls, #itsmymove is the work of Saatchi & Saatchi NZ in collaboration with Publicis Groupe Connected Platform partners MSL PR, Starcom Media and Digitas.


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AUCKLAND, Today: George Weston Foods, via Proximity NZ, has launched an energetic new campaign, Supercharged Kids, that shows how much kids can pack into their day with the help of Tip Top Supersoft … and their very own personal assistant. 

Purple Haze

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AUCKLAND, Monday: NZ’s Best Design Awards has awarded three Purple Pins – two to Motion Sickness/Te Whānau o Waipareira and one to Clemenger BBDO Wellington/Assembly Productions.