Cash Clever

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AUCKLAND, Today: Downtown full-service Dentsu shop WiTH Collective has created a new campaign showcasing the different ways ASB has been helping Kiwi kids get cash clever.

Making Sense

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AUCKLAND, Today: NZME has launched the next phase of its NZ Herald Trust ‘headspace’ campaign with a series of lo-budget tvcs – all were created in-house, with the assistance of some freelancers, and feature NZME staff.

Dark Cocktail

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WELLINGTON, Wednesday: Clemenger BBDO has launched a new Waka Kotahi/NZ Transport Agency campaign, called Doors, throwing drink drivers into a dark cocktail of good nights gone bad. It’s a powerful ad, catching eyes and minds all over the county.

Ambo 1

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HAMILTON, Monday: Waikato creative agency Pan (“The Love Agency”) has produced a strong no-nonsense shoestring-budget ad to support NZ’s ambo drivers, via charity broadband service YelloHalo.

Safe & Sound

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AUCKLAND, Monday: Pitchblack Partners are ending the year on a high, discovering the “8th Wonder of the World” in their second Air New Zealand safety video, released this week.

A tribute to 2020

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AUCKLAND, Friday: With many Kiwis unable to return home this holiday season, Contagion and Villa Maria have launched a digital campaign that aims to capture the sentiment of the festive period where the only option to connect with friends and loved ones between New Zealand and the world is from afar.