CAANZ has announced the appointment of Paul Feldwick as this year’s NZ Effie Awards international judge – he will fly to Auckland in a month to join the executive judging panel for the final round of judging.
Feldwick spent 30 years in advertising at Boase Massimi Pollitt/DDB, as an account planner (BMP is a British ad agency which traded between 1968 and 2004 before being renamed as DDB London).
For 15 of those years, he was in a global strategic training & development role for DDB Worldwide.
He left DDB in 2006 and now works independently as a strategic and business consultant.
He was convenor of judges for the UK’s IPA Advertising Effectiveness Awards in 1988 and 1990, has been chairman of the UK Account Planning Group and of the UK Association of Qualitative Research; he’s a Fellow of the IPA and of the UK Market Research Society.
Feldwick is an author who has published extensively on brands, advertising, and communications (click here).
He will also present at the Effectiveness Function to be held at AUT on Wednesday 1 October (CAANZ will publish frther details and ticket information “soon”. Also …
- caanz.co.nz/awards/new-zealand-effie-awards/international-judge/#sthash.GQMkSKJU.dpuf
- www.apg.org.uk
- www.ipa.co.uk/effectiveness
- www.paulfeldwick.com/index.php/about-me.html?id=17
- www.ipa.co.uk/page/effectiveness-hall-of-fame—paul-feldwick#.U_ZvamP69EM
- Call For Entries: Closed
- Preliminary Judging: Closed
- Creative Due: Thursday 11 September
- Category Judging: Tuesday 16 September (Auckland)
- Finalists announced: Wednesday 17 September
- Tickets on Sale: Thursday 18 September
- Executive Judging: Tuesday 30 September
- Effectiveness Function: Wednesday 1 October (AUT)
- New Zealand Effie Awards Show: Thursday 9 October (The Langham)
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