UK-based global researcher Fiona Blades visits Auckland next week to make presentations to agencies and research companies.
Blades will speak about Marrying Big Data with Real Consumers on Monday (8 September) at Westhaven Marina, and on Tuesday 9 September in Ponsonby she presents How to Design Experience Surveys that Impact on Brand Health Metrics.
Both events have been organised by the Research Association of NZ – and there’s special discounts for members of MA, CAANZ, PRINZ, ANZA and EMANZ. Drinks and canapés will be provided.
Blades is president and chief experience officer at Mesh Experience London.
Monday’s Marrying Big Data with Real Consumers (Download and Deliver: How new data streams are revolutionising how we measure, manage and optimise customer experiences) will be held at NZ Marine, Westhaven Marina, 85 Westhaven Drive; 6pm-8.30pm. It will members $85+gst (non-members $100+gst).
“We can now download billions of comments from social media, an ‘in the moment’ data stream,” reads the MRSNZ blurb. “How can the industry make sense of this? What are its limitations? How can we combine with other data sources to start to predict future behaviour? Is this vast amount of data a goldmine or sub-prime data?”
Register here for Monday’s presentation here.
Live Streaming is also available: $25+gst for out-of-Auckland member; $40+gst for Aucklanders.
Tuesday’s How to Design Experience Surveys that Impact on Brand Health Metrics runs 10.15am-1pm at Foxes Island Cellar, 15 Williamson Ave, Ponsonby.
This is a workshop session aimed at senior market researchers and analysts and will look at how to identify which experiences are driving brand health metrics.
Different case studies will be used (eg, telco, supermarket, charity) interactively with participants so they have to grapple with how to design and frame different types of questions.
It costs $100+gst for members; $125+gst for non-members Book here.
- For more information, click here: mrsnz.org.nz/wawcs0145992/idDetails=295/Senior%20Training%20Event:%20Fiona%20Blades
- And here: caanz.co.nz/news/two-world-class-events-8-and-9-september-with-the-research-association-new/#sthash.QK7xbnDr.dpuf
- meshexperience.com
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