Under-fire network conjures up Downunder branding

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SYDNEY, Wednesday: The Antipodean arm of the WPP network has unveiled a new brand in line with the group’s global repositioning as a creative transformation company.

The announcement came amid the turmoil created by predictions WPP will be cutting 3500 of its 134,000 workforce as part of a major restructure. According to media reports, the ad giant will also shut 80 offices globally and merge nearly 100.

Though, to make up for the 3500 job cuts, WPP has promised it will hire 1000 more creatives in the coming months.

“To make up for the 3500 job cuts, WPP has promised it will hire 1000 more creatives in the coming months.”

The new look was created by WPP agencies Superunion and Landor, with a bespoke iteration developed for the ANZ region.

Sydney-based WPP AUNZ executive director John Steedman said the refreshed brand was in line with the broader direction of WPP, with its clean lines and simple design indicating a more streamlined approach.

“The new brand reflects a new era for WPP, and represents us as a dynamic, forward-thinking company with creativity and technology at its heart,” he said.

“We are simplifying and improving our offer to capture the opportunities of a changing marketplace. Our new look reflects this approach and we’re excited about the renewed energy it brings.”

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