Where web/film/music converge

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The celebrated SXSW festival – which began in Austin, Texas to celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries – is reaching out to NZ and Australia.

A meet-up show will come to Auckland on Thursday 23 February at 7pm at The Golden Dawn (corner of Ponsonby Rd & Richmond Rd), organised by Paul Pritchard (scroll down for his email address).

The meet-up aims to bring together experienced SXSWers and first timers to share tips on how to get around Austin, insights into the best sessions to see and invites to the best parties.

Parallel meet-ups are being held in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.

Bringing together experienced SXSWers and first timers to share tips on how to manage ones self around Austin, insights into the best sessions to see and invites to the best parties.

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