AUCKLAND, Today: Whittaker’s has introduced two new products – and will promote them initially via street posters. The agencies are likely to be MBM (media & digital) and WPP’s AKQA (creative).
SweeneyVesty PR’s Olivia Leckner confirmed a campaign launch was imminent, but was unable to identify the agencies involved. A release is expected shortly.
The new tastes are Peanut Butter & Jelly Block.
Whittaker’s Peanut Butter & Jelly features salty, smooth Pic’s peanut butter at one end, and tart, fruity Nelson boysenberry jelly at the other end, all encased in Whittaker’s 33% cocoa milk chocolate.
Whittaker’s co-chief operating officer Holly Whittaker said: “Having more than one filling in a block is a first for Whittaker’s and something a bit different from the way other chocolate flavour combinations are produced.
“SweeneyVesty PR confirmed a campaign launch was imminent, but was unable to confirm the agencies involved.”
“Whittaker’s chocolate lovers can enjoy the delicious taste of either the peanut butter or boysenberry jelly filled pieces, or stack them together to make their own peanut butter and jelly ‘sandwich’.
“As a New Zealand chocolate maker, we’re thrilled to support local by using delicious peanut butter made by our friends at Pic’s in Nelson. The jelly filling is also connected to the region, using a fresh boysenberry juice concentrate with fruit grown in the warm Nelson sunshine.
“It means our Peanut Butter & Jelly Block really is a distinctively Kiwi take on this classic flavour.
“It will be available for a limited time only in supermarkets nationwide from Monday 21 June.
“Look out for the distinctive double-ended packaging, which will make for eye-catching on-shelf designs based on how the blocks are stacked.”
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