Whybins sits up straight for Bowel Cancer

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Whybin\TBWA and the arts & music fraternity have put their creative weight behind an art-chair auction for Bowel Cancer New Zealand.

Yes. You read right – an art-chair auction. To help fight the nation’s most common cancer, the agency has partnered with Dick Frizzell, Flox, Shane Hansen, Reuben Paterson and Boh Runga to direct their talents to the humble chair.

“Each artist has created a unique work of art that represents the diverse range of New Zealanders affected by bowel cancer,” says Whybin\TBWA creative directorTim Huse, who developed the idea.

“Our supporting artists have been incredible, not only donating their talent but also their time and influence to raise awareness.”

The art chairs launched at an exclusive media-only event on Thursday night, and are now being auctioned on Trade Me until Monday next week (12 June)  to raise money and awareness for BCNZ.

“We are excited to have Whybin\TBWA working with our patient-led charity,” said BCNZ executive officer Rebekah Heal. “Their Art Chair concept is one of quality and depth.”

The facts about bowel cancer are sobering. According to the Ministry of Health, New Zealand carries one of the highest incidences of bowel cancer in the developed world. Every year more than 3000 New Zealanders are diagnosed with bowel cancer and over 100 Kiwis lose their lives to the disease each month.

Bowel cancer is curable in more than 75% of cases if caught early, but the country does not yet have a national screening programme.


  • Change of bowel habit: Recent persistent change of bowel habit (e.g. looser more diarrhoea-like motions; feeling unable to go or having a sense of incomplete emptying; going or trying to go to the toilet more often. Change of bowel habit is especially important if you also have bleeding.
  • Rectal bleeding: Rectal bleeding that persists accompanied by other symptoms such as, straining with hard stools, sore bottom, lumps and itching.
  • Rectal bleeding in over 60s: piles in older people can be hiding more serious symptoms, so it is especially important to get this investigated.
  • Unexplained anaemia found by your GP.
  • A lump or mass in your abdomen felt by you or your GP.
  • Persistent, severe abdominal pain.


Client: Bowel Cancer New Zealand
BCNZ Executive Officer: Rebekah Heal
BCNZ Chairperson: Samantha Jukes
BCNZ Board member: Sarah Derrett
Campaign Title: Chair Auction

Donating Artists
Dick Frizzell, Artist
Flox, Artist
Amanda Billing, Actor
Shane Hansen, Artist
Karl Maughan, Painter
Boh Runga, Jewelry Designer
Owen Dippie, Artist
Tanya Carlson, Fashion Designer
Brett Morrison, BCNZ Ambassador
Reuben Paterson, Artist

Agency: Whybin\TBWA Auckland
ECD: Christy Peacock
CD: Tim Huse
Senior Planner: Steve Clark
Senior Account Director (Eleven): Louise Cargo
Production: Mark Paisey
Designer: Caroline Wilkie
Illustrator: Caroline Wilkie
Senior Digital Producer: Marianne Short
Web Developer: Alex Murton

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