Yahoo Platforms has developed a new interactive tool – said to be the first media-agnostic tool of its kind in the NZ market – that enables marketers and agencies to explore Yahoo’s proprietary, cross-device data assets to better understand their customers and prospects.
“Audience Insights is the first media-agnostic tool of its kind to use both first and third-party data, allowing insights to be easily activated across all inventory sources with no bias to a specific network,” says Arnaud Calonne, the Auckland-based head of sales at Yahoo Platforms.
Audience Insights is brought to life through an interactive dashboard, displaying information including age, gender, location, travel, interests, media consumption and search, purchase and behaviour history. It also shows:
- actual purchase behaviour
- registered user data,
- mobile app usage,
- propensity to purchase competing brands, products or services and
- geolocation.
“To analyse geolocation in New Zealand, Yahoo Platforms uses its location-based targeting and measurement solutions of logged-in customers,” Colonne says. “This feature set allows advertisers to target or retarget people at or who were at a specific location.
“With this data, marketers can measure the impact of digital advertising on offline user behaviour – for example, how many users visit a store as a consequence of being exposed to an online ad.
“The tool offers a comprehensive view of NZ consumers, informed by the entire customer journey, allowing agencies to gain a meaningful understanding of their target audience.”
“The Audience Insights tool offers a comprehensive view of New Zealand consumers, informed by the entire customer journey, allowing agencies and marketers to gain a meaningful understanding of their target audience through factors that drive them to act.”
The robust insights can be used to inform strategic planning for marketing strategies, new areas to target and assess potential reach, refine messaging and enhance audience targeting and ad optimisation tactics across campaigns.
“We wanted to develop the ultimate planning tool, unlike any other in New Zealand, that enables marketers and agencies to find the best audience and platform to view their message,” said Calonne.
“Now, by using both Yahoo and third party data, they are able to understand and target users like never before.”
An add-on
As an add-on, all audiences and insights identified in the Audience Insights tool can be activated in Yahoo’s Brightroll DSP and Gemini platforms, though users don’t need to buy this inventory. Brands can also explore Yahoo’s propriety and cross-device data assets to better understand their customers and prospects, including Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Search and Flurry enabled mobile apps.
“It’s essential we invest in creating ground-breaking tools with these kinds of capabilities for the programmatic ecosystem, particularly as this kind of trading is so prominent in New Zealand,” Calonne said.
“We’ve done exactly that with the launch of our Audience Insights tool, by delivering key insights and executing the media buy within the same platform.”
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